Stage -1: Sending statement of account
Specimen: Assume that one of your customers has purchased goods having a value of TK. 1,00,000. The last date of payment is November 25, 2013. Send a statement of account to his customer.
Sending a statement of account

Stage-2: Reminder letter (First Reminder letter)
Specimen: Assume that a customer has purchased goods having value of TK. One lakh (1, 00, 000). The due date of payment was November 25, 2013. The customer did pay though one-two weeks have passed after the due date. Send a reminder letter to the customer.

Stage 2: Reminder letter (Second reminder letter)
Specimen: Assume that a customer did not pay his outstanding amount in spite of sending reminder letter. Draft a second reminder letter requesting him to pay the dues.

Stage 3: Inquiry letter
Specimen: A customer has not yet paid his dues even though a statement of bill and two reminder letters were sent to him. Draft an inquiry letter asking for payment and explanation for non-payment.

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