Write an application to the Manager of a bank for sanctioning bank overdraft of TK. 5,00,000
M/s. Abul Hossain and company
34/3, Zinda Bazar, Sylhet. phone: 654329
Ref: October 30, 2019
The Manager
Janata Bank
Zinda Bazar Branch, Sylhet.
Subject: Granting overdraft of Tk. 5,00,000/- against Current account No.1616.
Dear sir,
We are maintaining the above stated current account with your renowned bank satisfactorily since long ago. We have always tried to maintain a standard amount of deposit in our account. Recently, we have invested a significant amount of fund in a medium-scaled engineering project. For this reason, We are now facing severe crisis of funds. The project will go to its regular production by December 2011 and then we shall be able to overcome this crisis smoothly by the revenues generated from that project.
However, for your information, we want to mention here that we have enjoyed an overdraft of tk. 3,00,000/= (Three lac) only from your bank against the same current account and have made full repayment of that loan in time.
Under the above circumstances, We request your kind honor to grant us an overdraft of Tk. 5,00,000/-(Five lac) only for three months against necessary security.
Expecting your best cooperation
Sincerely Yours,
(Md. Abul Hossain)
M/s. Abul Hossain and Company Hossain)

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