Requirement of a valid meeting
There must be some requisites in order to validate the meeting. The necessary pare-conditions of a valid meeting are stated below:
- Right convening authority: A valid meeting must be convened by the proper authority otherwise it wills loss its validity. Company’s secretary is the proper authority to call a formal meeting.
- Proper notice: Duty signed notice must be submitted to members before meeting. The place of meeting, time and date must be stated on the notice.
- Proper publicity of agenda: Every member of the meeting should be properly informed of the agenda.
- Legal purposes: Every meeting must have a legal purpose. Any meeting should be properly informed of the agenda.
- Requisite quorum: For valid meeting requisite quorum is necessary. The meeting should not be stared until the requisite members of member s are resent.
- Presence of right persons: Only legal members can present in the meeting. If there is an unauthorized person in the meeting, the meeting will lose its validity.
- Proper presiding officer: The chairman of a valid meeting must be a proper person.
- Conducting meeting according to the agenda: A valid meeting must be conducted according to the agenda. No decision will get validity, if it is not related to the agenda.
Role or function or duties of chairmen of a meeting
In all types of meetings, you have the following responsibilities as a presiding officer.
- Arranging the time and place
- Preparing and serving an agenda.
- Calling the meeting to order on time
- Making clear the purpose of the meeting
- Keeping the discussion on course
- Controlling over enthusiastic members
- Electing contributions from each member
- Creating a good atmosphere
- Summarizing the discussion form time to time
- Working to end the meeting on schedule
- Thanking to the members
Secretarial work relating to statutory meeting
1. Functions before the meeting:
- Maintaining time for statutory meeting,
- Preparing statutory statement or report,
- Drafting a notice for the meeting,
- Collecting the auditor’s certificate,
- Selection the place of the meeting,
- Preparing agenda of the meeting,
- Listing the name of members who will attend the meeting,
- Calling on board of directors meeting,
- Preparing final notice of the meeting.
- Serving the notice to the concerned members.
2. Functions at the meeting:
- Determining the quorum of the meeting,
- Stating or reading the agenda,
- Supply of the necessary explanations,
- Giving the explanations,
- Writing the rough minutes
3. Functions after the meeting:
- Preparing final minutes and resolutions,
- Submitting the statutory report
Very impressive!