1. What do you mean by media or channel of communications?
Ans. Media or channel of communication it the means or ways that are used to transmitting the message or information form sender to the receiver.
2. What do you mean by written communication?
Ans. Written communication is the process of communication in which messages or information is exchanged or communicated within sender and receiver through written form.
3. What is business letter?
Ans. Business letter refers to formal written letter where business related issues and information are exchanging with the suppliers, customers, clients, banks, insurance companies, government agencies and other external parties of the organization.
4. What is office memo?
Ans. Memorandum or memos are in internal short note or letter in which information exchanged among superiors and subordinated or same position of employees in the in the organizational structure.
5. State some expressions of non-verbal communication.
Ans. (i) Facial expression (ii) Gestures (iii) Body language (iv) Proximity (v) Touch (vi) Silence and (vii) Space.
6. State the media of oral communication
Ans. (i) Speaking (ii) Listening (iii) Reading
7. Write some medias of written communication for management
Ans. (i) Special management bulletin (ii) Management news copy (iii) Management report (iv) Publications (v) Handbook.
8. Write some media of written communication for employees
Ans. (i) Bulletin for employees (ii) Letters (iii) Memo (iv) Report (v) Complain book (vi) Notice (vii) Internal circular etc.
9. What are the causes for liking written communication?
Ans. (i) Covering complex information (ii) Permanent record (iii) Longevity (iv) Delegation of authority (v) Easy verification etc.
10. State some essentials of a good business letter.
Ans. (i) Well defined objectives (ii) Brief description (iii) Definite structure (iv) Courtesy (v) You-attitude (vi) Cleanness (vii) Relevance (viii) Completeness.
11. State some limitation of business letter.
Ans. (i) Old media (ii) Costly (iii) Time consuming (iv) Complex language (v) Missing (vi) Fails to maintain secrecy.
12. What are the approaches of business letter
Ans. (i) Direct approach (ii) Indirect approach (iii) Persuasive approach
13. State some styles of writing business letter.
Ans. (i) Indented style (ii) Full block style (iii) Modified block style (iv) Handing style etc.
14. State three attitudes in writing business letter
Ans. (i) I attitude (ii) We attitude (iii) You attitude
15. State the important part of a business letter
Ans. (i) Letter heading (ii) Date line (iii) References (iv) Inside address (v) Heading (vi) Salutation (vii)Body (vii) Closing.
16. What are the main objectives of memo?
Ans. (i) Inform decision (ii) Request to take action (iii) Reminder (iv) Provide information
17. State some limitations of a memo
Ans. (i) Limited application (ii) Time consuming (iii) Expensive (iv) Lack of formality (v) Less important to reader.
18. State the parts of a memo
Ans. (i) The heading (ii) The subject and date (iii) The message.
19. What does a letter heading contain?
Ans. Letter heading contains name, address and telephone of the business organization.
20. What is the main part of a business letter?
Ans. The body of the letter
21. What is the main part of memo?
Ans. The message.
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Tell us also about “electronic communication” as another type of communication.
I need the questions and answers for the whole syllabus please .Am writing In May