Communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more parties. In this process, one party transmits message by using a medium and the other party receives the message. In the communication process, information flows from sender to receiver. In order to make communication effective, the sender should know the reaction of the receiver. […]
Advantages and disadvantages of Horizontal communication
Advantages or Merits or Importance of Horizontal communication and disadvantages of Horizontal communication. The communication which is occurring among same status people or parallel status level groups within the same departments or across departments is called horizontal communication. The following advantages of horizontal communication exist: Advantages of horizontal communication Informal and sweet relationship: This is […]
Medias of mass communication
Mass communication is characterized by the transmission of complex messages to large and diverse audiences, using the sophisticated technology of communication. Mass media refers to the institutions that provide such messages: newspapers, magazines, and television, radio, film and multimedia websites. The term also is used for the specific instantiations of mass media, such as radio […]
Scope of mass communication
Scope of mass communication is wide in nature. For the advancement of world civilization, the scope of economic activities is increasing day by day. Specifically after, the industrial revolution rapid development is happening in trade, commerce and industrial sector. All these have given emphasis to the mass communication which is now so pervasive that it […]
Advantages of Mass Communication
Objectives of mass communication or advantages of mass communication or role of mass communication. Mass communication may take place among officials of the same level in the hierarchy or among the officials who are out of superior-subordinate relationship. The importance of mass communication are as follows: Objectives of mass communication, Role of mass communication Contact […]