A notice is a written or an oral statement that contains the particulars of holding a meeting. When a circular is served among the members of the meeting to attend the meeting, it is called a notice. It is letter of invitation that carries the request to the members to attend a meeting. A notice includes time, place, date and agenda of a meeting. The notice should be sent by the proper authority in due time so that the members can attend the meeting in time.
So, notice is formal written or formal information, notification or warning about a fact or an invitation to the concerned person for attending the meeting.
Essential elements or factors of a valid notice
The essentials or elements or factors of a valid nonce are given below:
- Signature: The notice must be signed by the proper authority. Only the legal authority should serve the notice.
- Proper time: The notice must be served in proper time. It should be circulated according to the rules and regulations of the company or the organization.
- Time date and place: The time, date and place of the meeting must be stated in the notice.
- Unconditional: There must be no condition or complexity in the notice about attending meeting. Always a notice is unconditional.
- Agenda: Agenda means topics to be discussed in a meeting. A valid notice should contain the agenda of the meeting.
- Conciseness: The notice must be short in size. It should be clear, simple and easy.
- Proper persons: Notice should be served to the proper persons who are entitled to attend the meeting.
- Enclosure: An explanatory statement should be sent with the notice.
Specimen of notice:
Notice of statutory meeting of a company
Eastern Jute Mails Ltd.
102, New York C/A
New York-1000
Date: March 20, 2013
Notice is hereby given that the statutory meeting of the company will be held on March 30, 2012 at 12 p.m. in the registered office of the company according to the section ……………. Of company Act. 1994.
Concerned shareholders are requested to attend the meeting.
Mr. John
On behalf of the board
Of directors.
Notice of the meeting of the board of directors
Supto and Co. Ltd.
12 KDA- New York
New York- 9002
Date: March 10, 2013
Dear Sir,
Being authorized I am informing you that the second meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the head office of the company on March 20, 2013 at 10 a.m.
You are duly requested to attend the meeting.
Sincerely yours
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