Meaning of face-to-face conversation Conversation means the informal discussion among the people. When one person discusses his views, opinion to another person and exchanges their views in the presence of both then it is called face to face conversation. It also includes the face-to-face discussion on a particular issue. In this method, both the information […]
What is interview? Types of interviews
Meaning of interview: The word interview comes from Latin and middle French words meaning to “see between’ or “see each other”. Generally, an interview means a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered. The person who answers the questions of an interview is called in the interviewer. The person who asks the […]
Advantage and disadvantage of interview
Advantage of interview There is some objectives or advantage of interview which are stated below: Easy correction of speech: Any misunderstanding and mistake can be rectified easily in an interview. Because the interviewer and interviewee physically present before the interview board. Development of relationship: Relation between the interviewer and the interviewee can be developed through […]
Conditions of the success of an interview
Conditions of the success of an interview: The responsibility for the failure in interview lies both with the interviewer and the interviewee. For acquiring a positive result the following conditions should be followed: The interviewer should not form an overall opinion about the candidate on the basis of a single aspect of his personality. The […]
A set of questions for the interviews
Questions for the interviews: Question about the job and organization: Why do you choose the organization? Can you work independently? Would you work overtime if necessary? When could you start work? Questions about ambitions: Why did you take up this career? What do you look for in your job? Would you like to enter management? […]