Specimen: John House, Washington, New York, has applied for credit purchase form Anna Enterprise, 20, TUCSON AZ 85705 USA. In the letter, John House has mentioned the name of Mr. Michel, Manager, Mahan Boutiques and Fabrics of Taxes, as reference. Write a business status inquiry letter on behalf of Anna Enterprise.
Anna Enterprise
(Wholesaler of Quality Fabrics)
20, TUCSON AZ 85705 USADecember 07, 2019
Mr. Michel
Mahan Boutiques and Fabrics,
Taxes.Sub: Inquiring the financial status of John House, Washington, New York.
Dear Mr. Michel,
Will you please respond to the following questions about John House, Washington, New York, which has listed your name as a credit reference on its letter for credit purchase?
- How long John House has a credit account with your company?
- What is the credit limit you currently extend to them?
- What is the maximum amount of credit you have ever extended to them?
- Has it ever been delinquent in paying his dues?
I assure you that information provided by you will be treated confidentially. If you send answers to the above questions with December 25, 2019 will be highly appreciated. We will be highly glad to provide you any such help in future.
(Mr. Michel Jackson)
Manager, Credit Division

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