An effectively written market report is regarded as the storehouse of various market information. So it is necessary to follow a definite structure in writing an effective market report. The structure of an effective market report is composed of various parts. The various parts or, structure of a market report are presented below:
Structure of a Market Report
The above parts are discussed below:

Various Parts of a Market Report
A. Introduction: Introduction is the first part of market report. This part contains information like name of the report, name of the market, name of the product, duration of market, date of preparation and publication of report etc. Here name of the market is written as ‘Dhaka Stock Exchange’ and name of the product is written by mentioning its characteristics and qualities.
B. Opener or Opening: In this section, reporter presents overall market condition that is trend of price changes during the market period. It helps the reads to know about the price condition of the product.
C. Body: This is the main part of a market report. It consists of the following sub-parts:
- Causes of Market Tendency: Here causes of price fluctuation are mentioned along with overall tendency of price changes.
- Demand of the Product: In this section, product’s demand and changes in demand during the market period are mentioned elaborately.
- Supply of the Product: This section presents supply condition of the product in details. If any hindrance is observed in the way of normal supply that should also be mentioned here.
- Stock Condition: Here opening stock, new supply added during the market time and closing stocks are clearly mentioned.
- Nature of transaction: Product may be traded on spot or future transaction. Whatever the method of transaction is, it must be mentioned here.
- Price Level: This section provides average price changes of the product during the market period.
- Price Index: Here a schedule containing opening, closing, highest and lowest prices of the product during the market period is attached.
D. Conclusion: In this section of market report, the reporter provides his own analytical opinion regarding the overall market condition. Here the reporter can also include his neutral and foreseeing estimate regarding the future market conditions such as future price, demand, supply etc.
From the above discussion, we can conclude that in order to write an effective market report, the above contents should be arranged in the report in a logical and sequential way.
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